I'm terrified, I'm in the mother of all slumps. Summer is finally showing itself, the kids are done school, no more lunches, no more tight schedules, no more homework or backpacks. I always look forward to this time of year. When I can finally shut down, slow down and unwind from the year's tightening grip. But this year it feels different.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The New Life of a Former Sexpot
Monday, June 23, 2008
Run Patty, Run
So my friends, here's the skinny. I have to come clean. I have to share with you in the honest hope that my personal trials, frustration, and anguish can help you understand yourself, and thus, my dear, dear compatriots, save yourself!
These Kids
Friday, June 20, 2008
I just want to change your freakin' diaper!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Belly Fat
Today I just want to give up. I want to slink home to my bedroom, turn off the lights and close the drapes and crawl under the covers. Maybe I will never come out again. I can't do this. I can't be a great mom and a brilliant employee and a loving, sexy partner all at once. I can't seem to get even one of them right, because when I try the other plates all drop. I am like the lame, creepy juggler at the carnival that everyone is embarrassed to watch because they know he is going to drop everything. I am tired and heart-wrenchingly sad and so desperate to just quit.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Beautifuls
I'm worn to a frazzle. Perhaps it's my own fault (well, no perhaps about it. Blame can be placed squarely in my corner, for first, having 5 kids--the last two when I was over 34, and second, for working full time--out of the home).

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Being a Mom
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Father's Day, Mom
So I don't have a father. I mean, strictly speaking, I have a father. But honestly, sperm donor is a much more adequate description, though cliched. He physically left when I was about 3 years old, but from what I can tell, he'd really left a long time before then.
Where are Max and Ruby's parents?
This isn't a new question, but having been subjected to several episodes of Max and Ruby over the last week, the answer is clear. They ran. They couldn't stand one more minute of their daughter's pedantic simpering and saccharine self-righteousness. The little bitch just doesn't shut up. And frankly, no parent should have to be constantly reminded of how wrong they may be doing things. They are the parents for fuck sakes! They have every right to be grumpy, hell, even screw up once in a while. But no, they have to have the high-pitched running parental commentary of a seven year old dremmelling into their brain. And really, when you have an over-functioning type-A little princess running things and constantly trying to parent her dim-witted and verbally challenged 3 year old brother, why stick around?
So, where are Max and Ruby's parents?
In Vegas, getting hammered and laid and trying to forget they have children at all.
Father's Day Shmother's Day
Okay, okay, okay, I know I already sound like a bitch, but I guess we have to be open to equality here when it comes to acknowledging, made-up, useless, forced holidays like Father's Day and Mother's Day. It's just another opportunity to make us face our parenting ups and downs, measured of course by the kinds of cards and gifts we receive, if in fact we receive any at all.
Well, I'm glad to say that we have a fantastic dad in our house, I mean a fabulous, committed father. Made only more wonderful by the fact that he is a step dad to my children, but treats them as though they are his own. He doesn't differentiate, he makes good on any promise he makes to any of them, his biological children or non-biological children. He's a good man.
My children are lucky enough to have two father's in their lives. Their dad is also a big part of their lives, the fun parts only of course. He doesn't have to worry about whether one of them needs to get to the doctor, the dentist, the orthodontist, a guitar lesson or anything else that requires him not having fun. Instead he usually holds off and sees them when it's a weekend preferably a long weekend, and he will pick them up at a lesson, if I get them there, barring there is no rush hour traffic for him to fight. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he's a gem!
So now I get to the real point. What constitutes a father? Is it simple biology, or is it measured by the same sort of investment mother's make to their children? It just really pisses me off that the man who stood their while I pushed his gigantic headed children out of my body, now barely knows them. And honestly doesn't even seem to give a shit that he is losing them, that they are slowing sliding out of his grip. They'll soon stand before him virtual strangers, and it will be too late.
He stopped over today and gave me this long winded description of how disappointed he is in our son. Apparently he has a bad attitude. God, that's hard to say, our son. Sometimes it feels as though the kids have only always been mine, where he's concerned, and now suddenly, he's fucking disappointed. Give me a break.
What does he expect, that he has been able to slip in and out of the kids lives like a dream and now he should be the centre of their universe? I highly doubt that will be the outcome.
We as mother's spend our days, our lives as parents, being parents. Yes, there are also plenty of father's out there who give and do as much as any mother, my husband honestly being one who is very, very committed. I guess I am just furious that their biological dad is given the title, and gets to share in much of the great stuff when he falls short in so many other areas.
Now my son, our son, gets to spend part of Father's Day with his dad. It's great, I'm glad they get to do this. But now this young boy is being put in a position that I was put in with my mother as a child so many times. He'll be expected to hand over a card, say the right things, and feel the right things, because this holiday says so. Does he feel them? I don't really know, I do know he loves his dad, but is growing increasingly further from him everyday. I just think it is unfair that we are made to feel things about these made-up holidays, that more often than not point out that we are just not cutting the mustard as parents, or kids.
Anyway, in light of my own bitterness...I do hope everyone is with someone they love this weekend, father or not.
It is so fucking unfair
There are so many tragedies of divorce. It was the single most difficult thing I have had to do in my life to decide to end our nuclear family, knowing that I would not see my children all of the time. I spend those days without them aching for them, missing them so deeply and completely that I feel physical pain. But here is the true tragedy; regardless of how much I missed them, how much they missed me, as soon as we are together we step right back into the function and dysfunction of a 'regular' family. It can be literally within minutes of seeing them again that we have fallen into the patterns of sibling fights and parental frustration, of not listening and consequences, of "but its not my mess' and 'because I said so'. And I am so sad and so angry. Shouldn't we all be on our best behaviour? Shouldn't we recognize how precious and tenuous our time is? And I feel that it is all of us. I know that I can set the expectation and the mood and influence much of the interaction, but I can't do it all. And mostly I fuck it up. They are girls and they at the age where they are needing to challenge and they are aware and yet unaware of the role they play in the family. I am so desperately sad that this is what our time has become and I can't help believing it would be different somehow if we were in a nuclear family.
Blowing the Lid Off This Thing!
I'm a mother, so naturally I believe in conspiracy theories. I mean, come on....there's no possible way there was a single shooter in that library annex. And, find me someone in the western world who didn't think that those first American moon landing photos looked like they were taken on a Hollywood back lot? I dare you to try to convince me that Kentucky Fried Chicken doesn't add some kind of ingredient that makes it irresistible? And really, the world is round? I wanna know who perpetuated that doozy?
- Why don't men hear a sick child during the night?
- Why does the responsibility for dentist appointments fall to me?
- If I have to tell him that he needs to pick up diapers on the way home from work, I might as well just do it myself!
- I'm angry that my husband can walk away from the house and our family, and not worry that things will get done and people will be taken care of.
- I want to weep and pummel my husband (not necessarily in that order) when, at 3:00 AM I have to (again) tell him that no, he can't actually put the pillow cases and sheets full of vomit straight in the washing machine, while I'm sitting with a 4 year old who's puking in a bucket (and all over me).
- Why does gender define the household chores? It makes me crazy that vagina=cooking and cleaning toilets and penis=snow shoveling and washing the car.
- I'm lonely and tired, and I hate that I have nothing of my own!! Nothing!
- I can't bear being responsible for everything! The weight is too much. Sometimes I feel so heavy from everyone's expectations that I can barely move my limbs.
- I just wanna take a pee all by myself--no company, no interruptions, no fingers under the door, and no frantic knocking shouting about how bad they gotta go. Just me, my bladder, and a People magazine!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Where the hell is IT?
It's Been a Dry Coupla Seasons
How I miss my husband. Back in the day, way, way, back in the day, we used to be good friends, and man, did we have fun together. We'd go hiking, camping, climbing. We'd do crosswords together stretched across the living room floor, read the paper together on Saturday mornings, mix each other dirty martinis, with 7 olives each, go dancing at least once a week and drink jugs and jugs of sweet, tangy Sangria, and have crazy foreign film festivals in the bedroom, eating Chinese, Vietnamese, or German take-out on top of the blankets.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Girls to Women
Monday, June 9, 2008
Attack of the Killer Muskrats
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Just Eat and Jiggle
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I Was a Young Mom Once, Honest!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Price of a Mother
"The services of the average stay-at-home mom- including housekeeping, cooking, doing laundry, driving kids around, and managing the household- would amount to an annual income of $138,095."— Salary.com
Sent in by Edie, Thanks.
Say What?!
So, wanna hear a regular conversation I continue to have with people? All people. People I know but haven't seen for a while, people who are complete strangers to me, people I'm related to and have known me since before I had pubic hair?
- "Yes. Yes I do know what causes it. Thanks for inquiring."
- "Ummm, actually, just between you and me, I've never figured it out. Why? Can you tell me? Why does it happen? Why do I have so many, and is there a way to stop having more?!"
- "Yes I do. Would you like me to explain it to you?"
- "Well, what happens is this: when sexually aroused, a man's penis engorges with blood causing an erection. When erect, a penis can enter a woman's vagina, preferably lubricated. Then through a series of thrusts and parries, often accompanied by grunting, the man ejaculates semen, a viscose liquid, which carries sperm, into his female partner. At which point....."
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Things I've Learned
Boy, there's a whole lot of things I've learned, somethings useful, others, not-so-much.
I've learned from some wise old women (namely our mothers), never to test for a shitty bum by sticking your index finger into the side of a squirmy child's diaper. You're liable to come out with a finger full of the good stuff. Sniff instead. It might look bad, but hey would rather have a finger covered in shit?
Never, ever brag or appear to brag about how well your sweet little muffin sleeps through the night. This will only a guarantee that they will not sleep through the night again until they are in grade 6.
Never let your children think you are too flexible, no matter the age (this includes newborns). If they even get a whiff of flexibility, they are going to make you bend. Forwards, backwards, even inside-out, and they'll get all sorts of pleasure out of it.
Try not to, for even a second, think your child is incapable of certain questionable things. They are swift, cunning little creatures, who delight in our inability to believe they are anything but perfect (come on, we've all been there, with little Tommy's mom, who says her child couldn't possibly do something like that).
Finally and most importantly (at least to my sanity these days), never test a 20 month old. Walk on egg shells if you must in order to get through the day (this is one thing that overrides the flexibility rule). Give in, feed them lollipops, Popsicles, do whatever it takes to keep the little beggar from putting you into a straight jacket before your time.
I hope this helps! If anyone has any other wonderful words of encouragement, please share. And if it is only to tell us how fabulous and stress free it is raising your children, keep it to yourself (haha).
Darlene and Gloria
"Helllou....Oh, hiya Honey. How you doin' today? Mmmm, he did? He said that? What's wrong with men? Does all that play fighting when they're young knock their damn brains around 'til they just loose inside their skull? Sometimes, they're just as thick as fence-posts! I know just how you feel. Why just yesterday, after I got back from having my nails done, Harvey said to me....Oh, my, just hang on a minute...what's that Georgie? Oh My God. I gotta go Gloria. Georgie just had a big number 2, it's kinda leaking out his diaper....oooooo, I really gotta run. He's making little poo tracks down the hall. STOP! GEORGIE!! STOP MOVING!! GEORGIE! YOU STOP RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!! I'll call you back, sweetie."